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太阳能采暖是指将分散的太阳能通过集热器(例如:平板太阳能集热板、真空太阳能管、太阳能热管等吸收太阳能的收集设备)把太阳能转换成方便使用的热水,通过热水输送到发热末端(例如:地板采暖系统、暖气片系统、中央空调等)提供房间采暖的系统。 Solar heating system means providing heating energy for the house through solar energy. The system use solar collectors (eg: flat plate solar collector, vacuum solar tubes, solar thermal tubes or other solar energy collection equipment) converted solar energy into hot water that can facilitate use. Hot water via heat terminal (for example: floor heating system, radiator system, central air conditioning, etc.) provided room heating.


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吉林企祉蓝科技有限公司,是一家集太阳能、风能、安全设施等产品的研发、生产、销售、安装、售后服务为一体的高新技术企业。依托雄厚科研实力,厚积薄发,产品的核心价值在于应用,《企祉蓝》牌太阳能热水器根据不同地域特性,有针对性的推出了符合当地气候条件下使用的系列太阳能集热产品。《企祉蓝》牌风力发电机摈弃以往的风能动力驱动结构,节约大部分成本,提高数倍工作效率。《企祉蓝》牌高速公路护栏,以其独特的构思设计,利用水的特性作为缓冲物质,极大限度降低了事故伤损等级。还有没列举的若干专利产品的投放市场,大大提高了企业的核心竞争力。真正的实践了“科技循规于自然”的企业核心价值观, 太阳能源、风力能源是取之不尽、用之不完的清洁无污染能源,科学合理的开发利用是解决能源短缺、保护环境、造福子孙后代....
     Jilin Qi Zhi Lan Environmental Technology Limited, is a professional high-tech company that focus on solar energy product development, production, sale, installation and service. The core value of the product is easy to use. The company based on climate characteristics of different regions, provided with different solar collector product categories.   They really followed the core values of “Base on the regulation of science and technology in nature.” This greatly improving the core competitiveness of the company. Solar energy is a renewable, clean and pollution-free energy, development and utilization of solar energy is a good solution to energy shortages, environmental protection, and benefit for future generations.